IBM Artificial Intelligence Series

Thursday, February 28th
Thu, Feb 28th, 8:30am - Thu, Feb 28th, 4:15pm


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is accelerating at a pace unseen before in the technical world.  Revolutionary uses of Deep Learning were only just recently realized, when in 2012, a team from the University of Toronto won the ImageNet competition.  Machines are now almost as good as humans at recognizing objects and understanding spoken words. These advancements in AI are growing exponentially.  In just six short years after the revolutionary undertaking at the ImageNet competition, Google created an AI agent, AlphaGo Zero, that taught itself how to play the board game Go.  What makes this remarkable is that Go has more possible moves (10^170) than there are atoms in the universe.

Since 2000, 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist.  Digital Businesses and Artificial Intelligence are disrupting virtually every industry and profession.

- The world's largest accommodation provider owns no real estate.
- The world's most valuable retailer carries no inventory.
- The world's largest taxi company owns no vehicles.

This accelerated disruption leaves all companies vulnerable.  Companies must innovate or be left behind...or possibly be put out of business.

The IBM Artificial Intelligence Series is intended to introduce professionals to artificial intelligence and give them hands-on experience in implementing AI/Cognitive solutions.  The concepts taught are general and not necessarily unique to IBM.  The concepts can be applied to any AI/Cognitive undertaking.

The hands-on labs will be performed using IBM’s fully managed Bluemix and Data Science Cloud platform (Watson Studio).

Anyone interested in learning more about the current state of the art in Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning, working hands-on through instructor-led labs.

A working knowledge of programming (Python preferred), and a basic understanding of Data Science.  Familiarity with Jupyter notebooks will be beneficial.  A free IBM Cloud account will also be required (Sign up at

WHAT TO EXPECT: Expect to spend a full day of lecture and hands on exercises presenting the current state of the art in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning. In 8 hours you will learn the essentials of AI and Deep Learning and why it's important to your organization.

LOCATION: Innovation Center Buffalo, 640 Ellicott St, Buffalo, NY 14203


Time                                       Description

8:30 AM     Breakfast and Networking

9:00 AM     Deep Dive of Current State of the Art in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Deep Learning

10:15 AM   Break

10:30 AM   Using Natural Language Classifiers and Utterances to Understand Human Intent

11:00 AM   Lab 1 – Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Read Documents, Understand Their Intent & Sentiment, to Identify Documents with a Particular Trait

12:15 PM   Lunch

1:15 PM     Demystifying Deep Neural Networks

2:30 PM     Break

2:45 PM     Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning

3:30 PM     Lab 2 – Building Your First Deep Neural Network – Using Keras, Tensorflow, and Deep Reinforcement Learning to Train AI Agents to Teach Themselves to Navigate a Maze 

4:00 PM     Wrap up

4:30 PM     Optional: Networking at Ulrich's 1868 Tavern, 674 Ellicott St, Buffalo, NY 14203

If you have any questions regarding the event, please send an e-mail to: